gemstone Secrets

gemstone Secrets

Blog Article

If I was stuck with just one gemstone for the rest of my life, tourmalines would be top of the running. It comes in a shocking array of colors while being hard enough to be awesome for any kind of jewelry.

Pyrope garnet is the most famous of the red garnets. Its dark, blood red color often resembles the color of ruby.

Amethyst also makes up the majority of citrine being sold on the market. Heating amethyst causes it to take on a yellow color, and 95%+ of the citrine market started as amethyst with some heat added.

Nephrite is one of two distinct mineral forms classified as jade (other being jadeite). Nephrite is more common than jadeite and although it is slightly softer than jadeite, it is considered tougher due to its denser structure.

Sphalerite is a rare collector's gem which has exceptional dispersion (also known as fire). In fact its dispersion rating is three times as high as that for diamond.

Lapis lazuli has been used for thousands of onyx western years in jewelry and ornamental objects. The unique deep blue color has never lost its attraction.

It is thought to widen its wearers’ perspectives by bringing fresh energy to the mind, body, and spirit.

Pietersite is a breccia aggregate of hawk's eye and tiger's eye, with swirling colors of blue, rusty red, gold and brown.

Charoite is a new gem on the market, first appearing in 1978. It is found only in one location in Siberia, Russia. The swirling shapes of lavender and violet are quite unique.

The labradorite is able to block all negative thoughts by providing mental protection. It helps to reduce stress and fatigue.

One of the most versatile of gems, tourmaline is found in every color. It can show every tone from pastel to dark, and can display various colors in the same stone.

Like its feminine and soft color, pink opal has soothing and calming effects. This stone is renowned for helping concentration. It also allows a more serene sleep. Pink opal is recommended for people who have difficulty accepting themselves.

The larimar stone corresponds to the throat chakra and has a cooling and releasing effect, helping to clear negative energies in each chakra and bring peace.

Diamonds are widely known as the hardest material ever discovered by humans, and subsequently, the diamond symbolizes the unbreakable durability of a bond.

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